Is Hiring a Cat or Dog Walker Safe Near me?

cat sitter WichitaMany dog owners are torn between hiring a dog walker and not doing so. Well, hiring a dog walker to walk your dog once, twice, or even three times a day can let you relax and focus on your busy day while knowing that your beloved pet is safe and properly cared for. Dogs, like people, are social creatures who seek out stimulation and interaction. Even a short walk around the block gives your dog a pleasant break from their day.

If you think of hiring a dog walker or pet sitter, you can find them as dog or cat boarding near me. This will allow them to take in the fresh air and sunshine and the sights, sounds, and smells of the neighborhood while taking a walk. Here, find out some more benefits of hiring a pet sitter.

Benefits of Hiring A Dog Walker

  1. Behavior

 A tired dog is a good dog, to put it simply. Regular walks allow your dog to expend excess energy, resulting in calmer behavior at home. Your dog will be less likely to bark, chew, bite, use the potty indoors, and so on if you take him for frequent, long walks. If you want a good caretaker for your pet, you will take care of your pet’s behavior then, search for dog or cat boarding near me. 

  1. Time 

We all have hectic schedules and every second matters. Long walks regularly can be challenging to fit into our calendars. We frequently get up early, go home for lunch, and put off making dinner for our family to ensure that our dogs receive the care they require. Your dog will still get all the exercises and care they need from a regular dog walker, but you will gain a significant amount of time back.

  1. Peace of Mind 

Hiring a top-rated cat boarding near me provides you with the assurance that your dog is adequately cared for even when you are not present. If you hire a daily dog walker, you won’t have to worry as much if you have to remain late for work or if your dog doesn’t “finish” when you take them out in the morning. Knowing that your dog will spend meaningful time outside throughout the day relieves the guilt or tension that comes with knowing that your dog is otherwise cooped up alone for eight or more hours every day.

5 Must-Have Qualities of a Perfect Pet Sitter

pet care services Andover


Remember when you got your pet for the first time in your home and how everyone reacted with excitement and joy. The opposite of the same reaction can be expected whenever we talk about leaving them. We all know that people who have pets are attached to them and do not trust anyone other than their family when it comes to caring for them. However, there are some situations when you have to go out, and you cannot find anybody to take care of your pets. 

Nowadays, you can get a perfect solution for this as you can go for a Pet sitting for small pets in Derby. But you need to remember few things before you hire a nanny for your pet. Here, we will put down some qualities that you can find in a perfect nanny of your pet. Let’s have a look:

Top-Notch Qualities of a Pet Nanny

  1. Lovable with Animals

An essential quality of a top-notch pet nanny is that they are thrilled around animals and love them all. If you are hiring a Pet sitting for small pets in Derby, you should indeed look for a well-behaved person with animals and show their affection to them.

  1. Well-Trained Professionals

Find a pet sitter who has undergone training in animal care, either on their own or through a pet-sitting marketplace. A basic understanding of pet emergency care can go a long way. You’ll want your pet sitter to be aware of the distinctions in breeds and temperaments so that they can provide the finest care possible for each pet.

  1. Passionate & Honest for Work

The finest pet sitters will be not only trustworthy but also enthusiastic about their work. A dishonest pet sitter unconcerned about the job or the animals is unlikely to provide your pets with the finest possible care. If something goes wrong, they may even forget to call you or make up an explanation.

  1. Flexible Working Hours

A good pet sitter has a flexible work schedule, which means they can accommodate you and your requirements. Furthermore, they know their plan and capabilities and can tell you upfront if they can pet sit with little notice during your appointment.

  1. Patience during work

Pets can be challenging to care for at times, and being a pet sitter requires patience. Pets, like their parents, can misbehave and be disagreeable at times. Meet your pet sitter ahead of time to ensure that their personality matches yours and your pet.


So, these are the best five qualities of an ideal pet nanny that you should check before hiring them. Your pet nanny must be well trained as it is equipped with the best qualities to handle your pet in your absence. Keep these points on your list to get a perfect Pet Sitting in Derby

Walking the Dog

Walking the dog is different than years gone by. Now days you can go to a dog park just for your favorite pooch. You can also hire a dog walker when your not available to take your dog for a walk. Whatever you do now days it’s expected to clean up after your dog that wasn’t always the case but now it is as no one wants to step in dog waste. It’s so easy too and very affordable. We get our poochie waste bags at the a dollar store or you can just use the plastic bags from the stores. A lot of areas supply the bags for you some even have places to dispose of them too. So when you take your dog for a walk don’t forget the doggie waste bags.

Our Pets are so Smart!

The more time we spend with our pets the more they learn about us and how to interact with us. We decided to get a friend for our beloved little pup Lielo. My daughter got online and found a rescue place that re homes pets. We made an appointment took Lielo with us to help pick out her new friend. When we started looking at and meeting some of the Pomeranians they came out to meet Lielo but most of them just ignored her and us, they were not pets they had only known a life as breeding stock. Then about the sixth one that came out they hit it off.

We took her home her name was Kako we just call her KK. We let them out to potty but KK didn’t trust us and wouldn’t come back inside when they were done or even let us get close to us. It was a real issue and then Lielo surprised us all. She grabbed KK by the leg with her mouth and pinned her against the fence every time until KK trusted us enough to come in with Lielo. We could have never taught Lielo to do this and wouldn’t have a clue how to. It’s unbelievable how smart they are and don’t always get the credit they deserve.

Taking Your Dog to the Dog Park

Things to consider when going to the dog park

  1. Do you pick up your dogs waste? If not you should consider doing so you can even get doggie waste bags at the Dollar stores.
  2. Do you exercise your dog before you go to the edge off so they are a little calmer and not so aggressive?
  3. Does you dog have the personality to go to the dog park a lot do not and others need close supervision for your pets safety and the others also not to mention liabilities .
  4. Do you takes off prong collars and harnesses for safe play?
  5. Do you bring females that are pregnant or in heat?
  6. What about keeping dogs on a leash in an off leash area?
  7. Puppies that are younger than 12 weeks that won’t have all of the required immunizations keeping them safe from common diseases.
  8. Letting your small dogs play with large dogs probably not a great idea.
  9. Bringing a dog that’s not well trained and attentive to you.
  10. Allowing dogs to bully other dogs is never a good idea and asking for trouble.
  11.  Bringing dog’s with over protective disorder can cause fighting.
  12. Fighting over toys and food also a red flag and should be avoided.
  13. Dogs that have poor social skills are not a good fit for these situations.
  14. Looking at your phone or not giving your dog your undivided attention.
  15. Dogs that are over protective are not a good candidate to go the dog park.
  16. Choose activities that match your dog and you both will be happy.

Who do You Trust with Your Pets and Your Home

Do have someone to call on that is serious about helping your with your pets when your away? Do you board them where they may only get out of the crate a couple of times a day? Will your family, friend or neighbor take it serious and follow your instructions?  Will they stay on schedule or even show up at all? What if something is really wrong with your pet will they pay attention and notice the difference? Do they like your pets or any for that matter?

Beloved Pet Nanny knows that you want the very best for your pets and home. That’s what we do the best we can to take care of your pets per your instructions. We love all of the furries and treat them with love and respect just the way we want our own treated. Call us now to schedule a meet and greet so you can have peace of mind when your away.. 316-431-2434

We have the Best Pet Customers

We have been in business for almost 3 years this summer!!! I am so impressed with our outstanding pet parent customers. They all are amazing pet parents and do the very best for their beloved pets. It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to be a part of helping our customers take the very best care of their pets possible. We want to thank all of our great pet sitting and dog walking customers for helping to make Beloved Pet Nanny so successful. Thank you all for including Beloved Pet Nanny in your life to help you take the best care of your furries from the bottom of our hearts,thank you!

7 Reasons Why You Need Beloved Pet Nanny for Your Pets

  • Why have Beloved Pet Nanny for your pet sitting needs?
  1. Trust you can trust us to take the best possible care of your pets and your home. If we see something that needs attention we will take care of your pets or house to the best of our ability or notify you if your attention is required.
  2. Love we love helping you with your pets when you’re not able to be there for them. Just let us know what you want done for them and we will do it to the best of our ability.
  3. We treat you your pets and home the way we want ours to be treated.
  4. You love your pets and want the best for them when you are not available to care for them.
  5. Integrity is how we operate.
  6. We are honest no poker face here.
  7. Track record we have a great track record just check out the reviews. We are here to help you with your sweet furry babies give me a call today. Sincerely Tara Stout Beloved Pet Nanny.

Keep Your Pets Healthier and Happier Boarding Your Pet at Home

The flu is not just for us humans, our pets can catch the flu too not to mention various other disorders too anytime of year. Staying at the home that they love not only keeps your cats and dogs much happier it also will keep them much safer and healthier too. Just keeping their stress level lower will keep the furry sweeties much more healthier and so much more happier. You will be happier when you know that they aren’t exposed to all kinds of illness and disease. When you arrive home and your sweet pets are happy to have you back home you can both enjoy the reunion much more than if you return to sick pets.


What do I need for the Meet and Greet as a Pet Owner

At the meet and greet for pet sitting or dog walking you need to have a key, garage and/or door code. A lock box like a realtor uses is a great option that some pet owners prefer and I really like this option also. I will bring an information form for you to fill out before the service begins. Having you payment ready is also a great idea also as it is required before service starts. You may pay with cash, credit card, check and PayPal whatever you prefer. If your pet uses a doggie door please make sure that your fence is in good safe and secure condition. Letting your neighbors, police ect… know that you will be gone and you have us coming and going while your away for pet sitting or dog walking is good also. Please have your list of questions or concerns ready too so we can address anything to ease your mind.